School Health

Each of Allen County’s public schools has a full-time Registered Nurse to accommodate the students daily medical needs at no cost to the family. With parental consent and doctor’s orders the nurses can provide approved over the counter medications and prescription medications.

School Health

Meet the Nurses

Allen County Primary Center (Grades Pre-K,K-3rd)

721 New Gallatin Road

Scottsville, KY 42164

Phone 270-618-7200

Fax 270-618-7206



Allen County Intermediate Center (Grades 4th- 6th)

720 Oliver Street

Scottsville, KY 42164

Phone 270-618-8200

Fax 270-618-8205



James E Bazzell Middle School (Grades 7th- 8th)

201 New Gallatin Road

Scottsville, KY 42164

Phone 270-622-7140

Fax 270-622-4649



Allen County Scottsville High School (Grades 9th– 12th)

1545 Bowling Green Road

Scottsville, KY 42164

Phone 270-622-4119

Fax 270-622-5882


School Health

Parent/Student Resources and forms for School Health

Preventative Health Care Examination of Students (School Physical)

702 KAR1:160 requires each child first entering a Kentucky public school and entering Grade 6 to present a Kentucky Preventative Health Care Examination Form. This exam may be completed up to one year prior to initial entry. 

Student Exam

Dental Screening/Exam

Kentucky law KRS 156.160 (j) requires proof of a dental screening or examination by a dentist, dental hygienist, physician, registered nurse, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant to be presented to the school no later than January 1 of the first year that a five (5) or six (6) year old child is enrolled in public school.

Dental Form

Vision Exam Form

KRS 156.160 (1)(i) requires proof of a vision examination by an optometrist or ophthalmologist.  This evidence shall be submitted to the school no later than January 1 of the first year that a three (3), four (4), five (5) or six (6) year old is enrolled in public school, public preschool, or Head Start program. 

Vision Form 

Sports Physical Form

KHSAA Sports Physical Form

Immunization Requirements

KRS 214. 034 requires any child enrolled as a regular attendee in all public or private primary or secondary schools, and preschool programs shall have a current immunization certificate and be on file within two weeks of the child’s attendance. Information including school immunization legislation and regulations, school immunization schedules, school immunization reporting forms and requirements can be found at the Kentucky Immunization Program website.  

Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule

Kentucky Parent or Guardian Declination on Religious Grounds to Required Immunizations Form

Parent or Guardians Declination on Religious Grounds to Required Immunizations Form - Spanish  

School Health

Common Health Issues in the School Setting

If your child is sick and sent home from school, they may not return until 24 hours symptoms free and without fever reducing medications.

Pink Eye

Bacterial Conjunctivitis - Pinkeye is a bacterial infection of the eye resulting in redness, irritation, and discharge of fluid from the eye. It may, but not always, cause swelling of the eyelids, sensitivity to light, and discharge with mucus and pus. In the acute phase it is typical for the eyes to be stuck together upon awaking from sleep. The absence of “sticking together in the morning” is often used as an indicator that the infection is decreasing or has passed the phase. Pink-eye is transmitted from one person to another by contact with the discharge from the eye(s) or upper respiratory tract of infected individuals. It can also be transmitted by sharing eye make-up with an infected person, and by touching the hands of an infected person if they have rubbed their eyes and have the discharge from their eyes on their hands.

It is recommended that persons suspected to have pink-eye be examined by a medical practitioner in order to have the cause of the redness diagnosed and to receive a prescription for treatment which is usually antibiotic eye-drops. Pink-eye and severe allergy resulting in redness and discharge of the eye are sometimes difficult to distinguish. If redness and discharge does not decrease after four to five days of treatment, it is important to contact the practitioner for further diagnosis.

Children should not attend school during the acute phase of the infection. One way to identify that the acute phase has passed is absence of the eyes sticking together when awakening from sleep. Twenty-four hours after treatment with prescription drops has begun is commonly used as a general marker that the acute phase should have passed. However, a child should not return to school if there is still profuse discharge from the eyes. It is also important that a child returning to school understands and be able to attend to personal hygiene by avoiding rubbing of the eyes as much as possible, and by washing hands immediately if the eyes are rubbed. Students do not need to stay home from school if a medical practitioner has determined that the cause of red and runny eyes is an allergy.


Lice are tiny, wingless, parasitic insects that feed on your blood. Lice are easily spread —especially by schoolchildren — through close personal contact and by sharing belongings.

Signs and symptoms of lice include:

- Intense itching.

- Tickling feeling from movement of hair.

- Lice on your scalp, body, clothing, or other body hair. Adult lice may be about the size of a sesame seed or slightly larger.

- Lice eggs (nits) on hair shafts.  Nits can be mistaken for dandruff, but unlike dandruff, they can't be easily brushed out of hair.

- Small red bumps on the scalp, neck and shoulders.

Usually you can get rid of lice by taking self-care steps that include using nonprescription shampoo that's specifically formulated to kill lice. However, see your doctor if: Nonprescription shampoo doesn't kill the lice — your doctor can prescribe a stronger, prescription shampoo; You're pregnant — don't use any anti-lice shampoo until you talk to your doctor; You have any infected hives or skin abrasions from scratching.

Call your School Nurse for any questions or concerns you may have.


Ringworm is a common skin infection that is caused by a fungus. It’s called “ringworm” because it can cause a circular rash (shaped like a ring) that is usually red and itchy. Anyone can get ringworm. The fungi that cause this infection can live on skin, surfaces, and on household items such as clothing, towels, and bedding. Treatment for ringworm usually consists of over the counter anti-fungal medication.

Your child may return to school as long as the affected areas have been treated for 24 hours and are drying. A Band-Aid should be applied to prevent scratching and spread of infection. The affected area must be covered either with a Band-Aid and/or clothing as long as your child is at school. Please remove the Band-Aid while your child is at home to allow air to access the site and assist with drying.


Impetigo is a skin infection caused by bacteria that often infects sores, insect bites, and other skin rashes. It is very contagious and can be spread easily to others. Your child will need to stay home from school and can return 24 hours after antibiotic treatment is started and the rash starts to heal or per physician’s orders.

Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease

Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a highly contagious condition that is spread by direct contact with infected secretions from the blisters, feces, urine, and through respiratory droplets. Symptoms include fever, runny nose, sore throat, and blister-like sores occurring on hands (palms, between fingers), soles of feet, and in the mouth (tongue, mucous membranes), and may appear 3-6 days after exposure. Although this condition is usually self-limiting, medical treatment may be required due to high fever, painful blisters (often causing loss of appetite), and secondary infection. Children may return to school when fever and blisters are no longer present. Thorough handwashing and care with diaper changing is important. Consult your doctor or school nurse for further information.

School Nurses

Natalie Sullivan, BSN, RN

Natalie Sullivan, BSN, RN

Public Health Nurse
270-237-4423 Ext. 113
Helois West, RN

Helois West, RN

James E. Bazzell Middle School
Public Health Nurse
270-622-7140 Ext. 4094
Karla Calvert, RN

Karla Calvert, RN

Allen County Primary Center
Public Health Nurse
270-618-7200 Ext. 6313
Penny Taylor, RN

Penny Taylor, RN

Allen County Intermediate Center
Public Health Nurse
270-618-8200 Ext. 7113
Susan Law, RN

Susan Law, RN

Allen County – Scottsville High School
Public Health Nurse
270-622-4119 Ext. 2306

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