Reproductive Health
- STD Testing (Neisseria Gonorrhea Bacterium, Chlamydia Trachomatis, Syphilis Treponema Pallidum Bacterium, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
- Pregnancy Testing
- Birth Control Method(s) available: Condoms (Condoms/How to use a condom as indicated - are located in brown bags in the Allen County Health Department restrooms or at the front desk)
All family planning visits will receive education and counseling as per the Clinical Service Guide (CSG). Adolescent client counseling includes sexual abstinence, of parental involvement, coercion, and consent.
STD Testing
- Includes assessment, testing, treatment, follow up, referrals as indicated, and guidance for delivering expedited partner therapy
- Guidance for delivering expedited partner therapy
Goal - To reduce the risk of re-infection among persons treated for Gonorrhea and or Chlamydia, prevent disease complications, and reduce the transmission to uninfected persons.
Objective - To implement expedited partner therapy (EPT) to the sex partners of persons with Gonorrhea and/or Chlamydia without an intervening medical evaluation or professional prevention counseling. - See our events page to learn about our free HIV and Hepatitis C testing.
- Education materials can be located here.
Pregnancy Testing
- Negative Test Result: Individuals will receive education and counseling on benefits of planned pregnancy and compliance with current contraceptive
- Positive Test Result: Individuals will be provided neutral, factual information and nondirective client-centered counseling on prenatal care and delivery, infant foster care/adoption, proof of pregnancy letter, and other services such as: WIC, HANDS, DCBS, SNAP except with respect of any option(s) the client indicates that they do not wish to receive information